chromite deposits zimbabwe


Chromite grains in nearly fresh Archean komatiites from the late Archean Belingwe greenstone belt (ca. 2.7 Ga), in Zimbabwe, have diverse morphologies: skeletal and dendritic chromite is restricted to spinifex zones, whereas euhedral grains occur throughout the flows. Systematic differences in chromite compositions ate present …

Chromite | Chromium Ore, Properties, Uses and Occurrence

Chromite – Mtoroshanga, Makonde District, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe Chromite – Mtoroshanga, Makonde District, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe. Chromite is an oxide mineral that an iron chromium oxide with formula: FeCr2O4. It is belonging to the spinel group. Chromite is the most important ore of chromium. Crystals are uncommon, …

(PDF) Stratiform chromite deposit model

Economic chromite deposits typically formed during three main periods: (1) the Stillwater Complex (Montana, United States) and River Sill (southeastern Manitoba, Canada) approximately 2.7 billion years ago (Ga); (2) the Great Dyke (Zimbabwe), the Kemi intrusion (Finland), and the Burakovsky layered intrusion (Russia) at approximately 2.5 ...

The Nature and Occurrence of Mineralisation in the

The MIC is host to the second most important chrysotile asbestos occurrence in Zimbabwe after the Zvishavane ultramafic complex (e.g., Laubscher, 1968; Wilson, 1968a,b). In addition, the MIC also hosts high-grade chromite and gold deposits (Wilson, 1968a,b; Wilson and Nutt, 1990; Blenkinsop, 1991; Prendergast, 2008).

Compositions and tectonic settings of chromite deposits …

Chromium ore deposits range in age from 3.5-billion year-old chromite in the Selukwe greenstone belt (Zimbabwe) to the ophiolite-hosted Miocene deposits of …

Geochemistry of extremely modified chromites from …

In the Zimbabwe craton, chromite deposits have been documented from the Shurugwi Ultramafic Complex (Cotterill 1969, 1979; Stowe 1987), the Great Dyke …

Geochemistry of extremely modified chromites from the …

In the Zimbabwe craton, chromite deposits have been documented from the Shurugwi Ultramafic Complex (Cotterill 1969, 1979; Stowe 1987), ... The MIC, which is the other chrysotile asbestos-enriched body located east of ZUC, hosts chromite deposits that have been exploited in the recent past (Wilson 1968b; Bartholomew 1990b).

Chromite deposits in China and their origin | Mineralium …

The major chromite resources of China occur in ophiolites and continental intrusions. Podiform chromite deposits are mainly developed in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ophiolitic mantle sequences. They occur as tabular, lenticular, or irregular masses hosted by dunite lithologies, or dunite lenses, or harzburgite associated with dunite lenses. Main …

Business Today: A Cursory Analysis Of Zimbabwe's Chrome …

Business Correspondent Chrome mining in Zimbabwe has seen significant growth in recent years, spurred by the country's vast chromite deposits and the increasing demand for chrome worldwide. The ...

Archean Komatiitic Sill-hosted Chromite Deposits in the …

Lenticular chromite deposits of widely varying age, metamorphic grade and strain rate, as well as size, shape, and ore quality, are widespread in greenschist to …

Compositions and tectonic settings of chromite deposits …

Chromium ore deposits range in age from 3.5-billion year-old chromite in the Selukwe greenstone belt (Zimbabwe) to the ophiolite-hosted Miocene deposits of New Caledonia. They provide indications of the evolving earth's tectonic processes in oceanic and continental crust and mantle.Podiform orebodies are hosted in peridotites, mostly …

Chromite ore beneficiation: prospects and challenges

The chromite stretch can be of kilometers and huge tonnages are present. The average grade is only 43% Cr 2 O 3. The Great Dyke of Zimbabwe, traversing nearly the length of the country, is very similar and has been linked to the Bushveld in geological history. Other stratiform deposits occur in Madagascar and in the Odisha district of India. •

What is chromite | SICHENG

Chromite Chromite from Zimbabwe: Chromite from Shurugwi, Zimbabwe. Specimen is approximately 4 inches (10 centimeters) across. PODIFORM DEPOSITS. Podiform deposits are large slabs of oceanic lithosphere that have been thrust up onto a continental plate. These slabs of rock, also known as "ophiolites," can contain significant …

Chromite from Zimbabwe

Chromite from Zimbabwe. Chromite Mutorashanga, Makonde District, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe ... & Kojonen, K. (2003). Geochemistry and mineralogy of platinum-group elements at Hartley Platinum Mine, Zimbabwe. Mineralium Deposita, 38(3), 327-343. ... J. C. (2006) Gemmology, geology and origin of the Sandawana emerald deposits, …

Metallogeny and advances of chromite deposits

The formation of chromite is generally related to basic-ultrabasic rocks. However, the genetic mechanism of chromite deposit remains controversial. Deciphering the genesis of chromite deposit is of great significance for ore exploration. Methods. This review work summarizes the ore types, metallogenic age, ore body characteristics and …

Archean Komatiitic Sill-hosted Chromite Deposits in …

Archean Komatiitic Sill-hosted Chromite Deposits in the Zimbabwe Craton. August 2008. Economic Geology 103 (5):981-1004. DOI: 10.2113/gsecongeo.103.5.981. …

The Chromite Deposits of the Great Dyke — Rhodesia (Zimbabwe …

The Chromite Deposits of the Great Dyke — Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) The Great Dyke is one of the most remarkable geological features known. Over five hundred kiolmetres long and rarely more than ten wide, it traverses the Archean Shield of Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) from north to south. Within layered ultrabasic rocks are several seams of chromite.

Stratiform Chromite Deposit Model

Stratiform chromite deposits are expressed as massive chromitite (greater than 90 percent chromite) bodies or seams of disseminated chromite in large, unmetamorphosed, repetitively layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions that were emplaced in stable cratonic settings or during rift-related events (Lee, 1996; Naslund and McBirney, 1996; Cawthorn and ...

Archean Komatiitic Sill-hosted Chromite Deposits in the Zimbabwe …

Lenticular chromite deposits of widely varying age, metamorphic grade and strain rate, as well as size, shape, and ore quality, are widespread in greenschist to amphibolite grade greenstonegneiss terrain in the south-central part of the Zimbabwe craton and in granulite grade equivalents in the Northern Marginal zone of the Limpopo belt in the far south.

Origin of the Mashava Igneous Complex, south central Zimbabwe: Evidence

In the Zimbabwe craton, chromite deposits have been documented from the Shurugwi Ultramafic Complex (Cotterill 1969(Cotterill, 1979Stowe 1987), the Great Dyke (Worst, 1958(Worst,, 1960Wilson ...

New geochronological constraints on the middle Archean …

The Zimbabwe Craton in southern Africa possesses typical Archean granitoid-greenstone belts that provide crucial information on the evolution of Archean continental crust (Wilson et al., 1978; Fig, 1). ... The chromite deposits of the Paleoarchean Bacuri Mafic-Ultramafic Complex in the Guyana Shield-Amazonian craton, Brazil, were recently ...

New geochronological constraints on the middle …

The Shurugwe (Selukwe) greenstone belt of Zimbabwe (Stowe, 1968, 1974) is well known for its Archean chromite deposits (Stowe, 1994; Kusky, 1998; Sawada et …

The Chromite Deposits of the Great Dyke — …

Abstract. The Great Dyke is one of the most remarkable geological features known. Over five hundred kiolmetres long and rarely more than ten wide, it traverses the Archean Shield of Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) from north to south. Within layered ultrabasic rocks are …

Archean Komatiitic Sill-hosted Chromite Deposits in the Zimbabwe …

The Nickeliferous Late Archean Reliance Komatiitic Event in the Zimbabwe Craton––Magmatic Architecture, Physical Volcanology, and Ore Genesis. The widespread komatiitic Reliance lithostratigraphic unit of the late Archean Bulawayan Supergroup consists of many submarine flow fields directly or indirectly overlying the sedimentary …


Chromite • Largest high grade chrome ore resources in the world in 11 narrow but persistent seams on the Great Dyke ... • Most so-called small mines are sitting on large deposits – nearly all of Zimbabwe's large mines were initially operated as small mines • Opportunities to re-examine the hundreds of small mines .

The Archean komatiite-related Inyala Chromitite, southern …

Abstract. The chromitites at the Inyala mine, Zimbabwe, form part of a layered intrusion enclosed within the Archean granulite facies gneisses of the north …

Ferrochrome Smelting In Zimbabwe

The Shurugwi deposit is one of the most important sources of metallurgical chromite in the world. These ore deposits are refractory and lumpy and are therefore perfect ferrochrome refiners. However, this type of ore is quickly depleting. Zimbabwe has total reserves of about 140 million tonnes with resources 1 ICDA Chromium mining

Os isotope systematics of mesoarchean chromitite-PGE deposits …

The Sukinda chromite deposits (Fig. 2 B) comprise the largest chromite resources in India and consist of a package of extrusive metabasalts and intrusive ultramafics (Basu et al., 1997).The ultramafic component consists of serpentinized dunite, orthopyroxenite, and chromitite. The subvertical chromitite bodies are now present in the …


Podiform known resources are off the Dyke in Shurugwi, Mashava, Valley, Nhema, Chirumanzu and Inyala(Mberengwa). They constitute approx. 3% of Zimbabwe's …

The Chrotnite Deposits of the Great Dyke -Rhodesia …

The Chrotnite Deposits of the Great Dyke - Rhodesia (Zitnbabwe) The Great Dyke is one of the most remarkable geological features known. Over five hundred kiolmetres long and rarely more than ten wide, it traverses the Archean Shield of Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) from north to south. Within layered ultrabasic rocks are several seams of chromite.